Parish of Kilchreest Ardrahan History

Richard de Burgo conquered Galway in 1236, and granted the land to Maurice Fitzgerald who built the castle whose ruins still stand today in Ardrahan. The churchyard wall contains the remains of a round tower, which suggests that a monastic community may have existed on the site before the castle was built.

Kilchreest or Cill Chríost, means Christ’s Church. This is one of the few churches in Ireland which are named after Christ.

History of Kilchreest

The Parish of Kilchreest is situated in the barony of Dunkellin, but principally in the barony of Loughrea. It comprises most of the old parish of Iserkelly, also called “Pobal Mac Hubert” with Kilchreest and Killinan.

History of Ardrahan

The Parish of Kilchreest is situated in the barony of Dunkellin, but principally in the barony of Loughrea. It comprises most of the old parish of Iserkelly, also called “Pobal Mac Hubert” with Kilchreest and Killinan.