Daily Mass via WebCam
We have two web cameras in operation at both Ardrahan and Kilchreest churches. Web cams will live stream during mass times. Click the icon on the left for access.

Safeguarding Children
As a constituent member of the Catholic Church of Ireland, we recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children and are committed to ensuring their safety and well-being. Find the full statement here as well as a list of our Child Protection Officers

The Parish of Kilchreest | Ardrahan has a rich history dating back to 1236 when Richard de Burgo conquered Galway. The land was granted to Maurice Fitzgerald who built the castle whose ruins still stand today in Ardrahan.

Important Notices
Weekday Mass Ardrahan
9.00am Mon-Tue & – Thur – Fri
Winter Office Hours
Monday 10am – 3pm
Tuesday 10am – 1
Thursday 10am – 1
Friday 10am – 3pm
Mass can be viewed on line
The Parish Radio 106.7FM